Scholars Programme

What is Scholars Programme?

The Singapore Ballet Scholars Programme is a specialized pre-professional training initiative designed for passionate young dancers, aged 13 to 19, who are serious about pursuing a career in dance. This prestigious programme provides aspiring dancers the opportunity to develop their skills, refine their technique, and work towards achieving their professional dance goals. 

Under the guidance of Artistic Director Janek Schergen and esteemed faculty members, students receive rigorous training in ballet technique, pointe work, and variations, as well as exposure to contemporary dance and seminars. This holistic approach ensures that participants grow into well-rounded, versatile dancers, fully prepared to embark on professional careers. The Scholars Programme is dedicated to shaping the future of Singapore’s dance community, cultivating the next generation of exceptional talent. 

Join Singapore Ballet’s Scholars Programme, and be taught for the profession by professionals.


The Scholars Programme is designed for aspiring dancers aged 13–19 who seek pre-professional ballet training. Participants will receive rigorous ballet instruction, including pointe work, contemporary dance, and the opportunity to perform alongside Singapore Ballet. 

Attendance and Commitment 

Scholars are expected to fulfil at least 90% of their attendance at classes. With classes running for 41 weeks, scholars are also entitled to 18 additional leave days to accommodate school and exam preparation. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Comprehensive ballet technique training
  • Performance opportunities with Singapore Ballet
  • Intensive classes covering classical and contemporary styles
  • Expert mentorship from renowned faculty
  • Ideal for dancers aiming for professional careers

Scholars Audition Form

DD slash MM slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Scholars Streams & Fees

Feature Elite Explore Experience
Price per Term (15 weeks)
Class Schedule
Mon – Fri
Mon, Tue &Thu
Wed & Fri
Exclusive Access
Term Review with Janek, Audition Prep, & Film
Audition Prep & Film
Not Included
Completion Certificate
Scholars Masterclass Access (Seasonal)
Not Included
Intensive Ballet Programme (Discount)
Not Included
Performance Opportunities
Performance Tickets
1 Ticket per Show
Not Included
Not Included
One @ The Ballet Event
1 per Term
Not Included
Not Included

Training Schedule

Day Time Class Instructor
5.45pm – 8.00pm
Technique & Pointe Class
5.45pm – 8.00pm
Competition & Variations Class
5.45pm – 8.00pm
Technique & Pointe Class
5.45pm – 8.00pm
Technique & Pointe Class
5.45pm – 7.00pm
Technique & Pointe Class

*Instructors are subject to change 

2025 Term Dates

Term Start Date End Date
Term 1
Thu 13 January
Fri 14 Mar
Term 2
Mon 24 Mar
Fri 30 May
Term 3
Mon 30 Jun
Fri 5 Sep
Term 4
Mon 15 Sep
Fri 28 Nov

*All dates above are subject to changes

2025 School Holidays (no class)

Start Date End Date
Sat 15 Mar
Sun 23 Mar
Sat 31 May
Sun 29 Jun
Sat 6 Sep
Sun 14 Sep
Sat 22 Nov
Wed 31 Dec

*All dates above are subject to changes

  1. Eligibility
  • Applicants must be aged between 13 and 19 years at the time of audition. 
  • The programme is open to dancers who demonstrate exceptional technical ability and commitment to ballet. 
  • All applicants are required to pass an audition to be considered for the programme. 
  1. Audition Process
  • All auditions must be pre-registered through the Singapore Ballet website. 
  • Candidates will be assessed on ballet technique, artistry, and potential during the audition. 
  • The decision of the audition panel is final. Singapore Ballet reserves the right to withhold feedback on individual auditions. 
  1. Attendance
  • Scholars are expected to attend all scheduled classes, rehearsals, and performances. 
  • Absences due to illness or injury must be communicated in advance to the Singapore Ballet administration. 
  • Frequent unexcused absences may result in a scholar being asked to leave the programme. 
  1. Conduct
  • Scholars are expected to maintain professionalism, discipline, and respect towards instructors and peers at all times. 
  • Any form of bullying, harassment, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the programme. 
  • Scholars must adhere to the dress code specified by Singapore Ballet for all classes and rehearsals. 
  1. Fees and Payment
  • Programme fees must be paid in full prior to the start of each term. 
  • All payments are non-refundable unless a withdrawal is due to a medical condition, supported by valid documentation. 
  • Payment can be made by cash, debit card, cheque or bank transfer to Singapore Ballet 
  • Late payments may result in the scholar being unable to participate in classes until fees are settled. 
  1. Scholarships and Financial Aid
  • Singapore Ballet may offer scholarships to selected students based on merit and financial need. 
  • Scholarship recipients are required to maintain a high level of attendance and performance throughout the year. 
  • Failure to meet scholarship conditions may result in the withdrawal of financial support. 
  1. Performance Opportunities
  • Scholars may be selected to participate in performances organized by Singapore Ballet. 
  • Participation in performances is compulsory unless otherwise specified or due to medical reasons. 
  • Singapore Ballet reserves the right to cast dancers based on their performance, progress, and suitability for specific roles. 
  1. Media and Publicity
  • Scholars and their parents/guardians consent to Singapore Ballet using photographs, videos, and recordings of scholars for promotional and marketing purposes. 
  • All media created during classes, rehearsals, and performances remain the property of Singapore Ballet. 
  1. Injury and Insurance
  • Singapore Ballet takes no responsibility for any injuries sustained during classes, rehearsals, or performances. 
  • Scholars are required to inform the administration of any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions prior to joining the programme. 
  • It is recommended that all scholars have personal health insurance coverage. 
  1. Withdrawal from the Programme
  • Scholars wishing to withdraw from the programme must provide one month’s notice in writing. 
  • Any refunds or fee adjustments will be made at the discretion of Singapore Ballet. 
  • Singapore Ballet reserves the right to ask a scholar to leave the programme if they fail to meet the required standards of conduct or performance. 
  1. Programme Changes
  • Singapore Ballet reserves the right to modify the programme structure, schedule, instructors, and terms at any time. 
  • Any changes to the programme will be communicated to all scholars and their families in advance. 
  1. Agreement to Terms
  • By enrolling in the Scholars Programme, both scholars and their parents/guardians agree to these terms and conditions. 
  • Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action, including removal from the programme.

The Scholars Programme is a pre-professional training initiative for young dancers aged 13 to 19 who aspire to pursue a professional career in dance. The programme offers rigorous ballet training, contemporary dance, pointe work, and variations to develop well-rounded, versatile dancers.

The programme is open to dancers aged 13 to 19 who demonstrate strong technical ability and a passion for dance. Selection is through an audition process. 

To apply, dancers must attend an audition. Audition dates and registration information are available on our website. Applicants are assessed based on their technique, artistry, and potential.

Scholars will receive comprehensive training in ballet technique, pointe work, variations, contemporary dance, and seminars on various dance-related topics. The programme is designed to prepare dancers for professional careers by enhancing their technical skills and performance abilities.

Our Scholars are taught by Artistic Director Janek Schergen and a team of highly experienced faculty members. The programme also includes guest instructors who are professionals in the field of dance.

The programme requires a significant time commitment. Scholars are expected to attend multiple classes per week, including ballet technique, pointe work, and contemporary sessions, as well as participate in performances and workshops.

Yes, Scholars have opportunities to perform in various productions by Singapore Ballet, allowing them to gain stage experience and apply the skills they have developed in class.

Fee information can be obtained by contacting our office. Fees cover the cost of training, workshops, and some performance-related expenses. Scholarships may be available for eligible students.

Regular attendance is expected, but if a Scholar must miss a class due to illness or other valid reasons, they should inform the administration in advance. Make-up classes may be arranged depending on availability. 

We offer scholarships and financial assistance to qualified students. Please contact the office to learn more about the eligibility criteria and application process.

The academic year is divided into four terms, with breaks between each term. The full schedule of term dates and holidays is available on our website. 

Yes, international students are welcome to apply. However, they must be able to commit to attending classes and performances in Singapore throughout the year. 

If you are interested to register or find out more, please call us and our friendly staff will help you!
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