Make A Donation


Your dedication and belief will help us make magic happen!

As the nation’s premier ballet company, Singapore Ballet brings world-class dance performances to Singaporeans. With each year, the need for fund-raising increases, as our costs increase. As ticket sales cover only a portion of our production costs, excluding operating expenses, we rely on the generosity of our supporters as a non-profit organisation to sustain and develop our artistic strengths continually.

Your generous contribution will enable us to achieve the following:

1. Enhance the company’s repertoire and artistic development

2. Enrich the lives of our local community including the underprivileged and the under-served

3. Educate the next generation of dancers and audiences

4. Employ a team of 38 professional full-time dancers (excluding trainees) and many other freelance professionals who work for us during productions

5. Establish itself as a world-class premier ballet company in Singapore and internationally

Your donation will entitle you to a 250% tax deduction off your taxable income. Please support Singapore Ballet! Your contribution will fuel our passion, sustain our artistry and inspire future generations of ballet lovers!

Donors Benefits

Benefits Platinum ($10,000&Above) Angel ($5,000-$9,999) Benefactor ($1,000-$4,999) Patron ($500-$999) Contributor ($100-$499)

250% Tax deduction

Acknowledgement in programme booklets and website

20% off Adult Dance Class (10 or 20 class card)

20% off Singapore Ballet merchandise

Merchant Discounts & Privileges

25% discount for Singapore Ballet Season performance tickets

Invitation to special events

Friend/Patron of the Arts Nomination

Complimentary Tickets for Season Performances & One @ the Ballet*

One pair of complimentary ticket for every donation of $1,000 up to a maximum of 15 pairs

One complimentary ticket to One@ the Ballet for every donation of $1,000 up to a maximum of 10

Two Cat 2 Tickets

For the year of donation transacted.
Valid for 12 months from the date of transaction.
Valid for 18 months from the date of transaction. Complimentary tickets are only for Singapore Ballet’s main season performances, and it is not applicable to fundraising gala events and performances that are not presented by Singapore Ballet.

Donate Directly to singapore ballet

Please fill in the Donation Form and choose from one of the below donation methods.

PayNow via Qr Code

UEN 198702432NBGP
or scan the following QR code
Singapore Ballet PayNow QR
Kindly indicate under reference
“Donation – [Donor’s name]”

Bank Transfer

Bank: Standard Chartered Bank
Account Name: Singapore Ballet Ltd
Account No. : 2308326608

Kindly indicate under reference
“Donation – [Donor’s name]”


Payment at our front desk at
201 Victoria St, Bugis+, #07-02/03, Singapore 188067


Payable to Singapore Ballet Ltd,
mail to 201 Victoria St, Bugis+, #07-02/03,
Singapore 188067

Donate Form

Thank you for choosing to support Singapore Ballet.

Your gift to Singapore Ballet helps to bring new and exciting works to stage, raises a new generation of professional dancers, and sustains the continuous development of ballet in Singapore and beyond.

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