Based on a story by E.T.A Hoffmann, this ballet tells the light-hearted story of the mysterious Dr Coppélius, who owns a beautiful life-sized mechanical doll, Coppélia. A village youth named Franz, betrothed to the beautiful Swanilda, becomes infatuated with Coppélia, not knowing that she is just a doll. The magic and fun begin when Swanilda (disguised as Coppélia) springs to life! Join us for excerpts of this whimsical and fun-loving classical ballet.
Act I: Town Square in Galicia
In a little idyllic village in Galicia, a beautiful girl, Swanilda, has been courted by the most charming boy in the village, Franz. However, he is also fascinated with Coppélia, the daughter of the village toy-maker. Unknown to Franz, Coppélia is a mechanical doll created by Dr. Coppélius.
Act II: Dr Coppélius Workshop
Swanilda and her friends enter Dr. Coppélius’ workshop and discover that Coppélia is nothing more than a beautiful doll. She dresses herself up as the beautiful doll to deceive Dr. Coppélius. Franz arrives, and Dr. Coppélius conceives a plan to steal the essence of life from Franz to bring his beloved “daughter” Coppélia to life. Fooled by Swanilda who is masquerading as Coppélia, Dr. Coppélius believes that his mechanical doll has come to life. Swanilda soon reveals that the real Coppélia is just a broken toy. Swanilda and Franz reunite, leaving behind a broken-hearted Dr. Coppélius.
Act III: Festival of the Bells
The following day, the village celebrates the Festival of the Bells. To commemorate the day, the villagers gather to celebrate with dancing, and Swanilda and Franz are wed. The end brings calm to the village and joy to all whose marriage has been blessed that day.
Date/TimeFri, 8 Apr (7pm)
Sat, 9 Apr (1pm & 4pm)
Sun, 10 Apr (1pm & 4pm)VenueEsplanade Theatre StudioTickets$14