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Mohamed Noor Sarman joined SDT as part of its pioneer batch when the company was first established in 1988. In 1993, he was awarded a French scholarship for an attachment at IFEDEM Paris, academy for contemporary dance. He was also a recipient of the National Arts Council’s Young Artist Award in 1995 for his contribution to dance. In 1996, his choreographic work, Living Greens, represented Singapore in the 8th ASEAN Dance Festival and was later performed in the Philippines (1998) and in Australia (1999).

Mohamed Noor was appointed Assistant Ballet Master in 1997 and was promoted to Ballet Master in 2009. He danced important roles in various productions including Vicente Nebrada’s Gemini (Pas de Deux), Anthony Then’s Schumann Impressions, Helen Lai’s Exits and Entrances and David Lichine’s Graduation Ball, Graham Lustig’s ApPassionato, Goh Choo San’s Romeo and Juliet, the title role in Petruschka and Goro in Madame Butterfly.

In 2005, he performed in Marie-Claude Pietragalla’s Les Noces, and played the role of the prophet in Rite of Spring. Mohamed Noor is also the choreographer for Stand Up For Singapore, a contribution to the National Day Parade in 2007, which was also performed in Ballet Under The Stars as a tribute to the nation’s birthday.

Mohamed Noor has been involved in several dance education programmes with schools such as the Ministry of Education’s National Student Leaders Dance Camp in November 2006. In April 2008, he conducted an intermediate ballet workshop for the Putrajaya Arts Festival in Kuala Lumpur. He has worked with many choreographers like Nils Christe, Val Caniparoli, Natalie Weir, Ma Cong, Edwaard Liang, Kinsun Chan, Timothy Harbour, Toru Shimazaki and Francois Klaus in recent SDT productions.

In celebration of SDT’s 30th Anniversary as well as for the Nation’s birthday, Mohamed Noor choreographed the dance music video for NDP 2018 theme song ‘We are Singapore’.

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